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Discipleship Bible School

Discipleship Bible School

What will individuals, families, communities and nations look like when they know and walk in the truth? How can they know if no one helps them learn? Who will go and facilitate their learning? Be discipled. Go disciple!

What is Discipleship Bible School (DBS)?
Why do DBS?

During this 12-week introduction to the Bible, students will receive an overview of “God’s story” and discover his ways. Read the entire Bible.


Observe the chronology of biblical events. Understand each book in its historical context.


Understand the harmony between books. Recognize the different genres of literature and major themes found in all 66 books.


Through the Bible, students will learn foundational truths of the Christian faith.

Discipleship Bible school (DBS) is one of the secondary courses of YWAM. This course requires the completion of a Discipleship Training School (DTS) as a prerequisite. 

Discover Truth: The Bible reveals God to us and answers many questions that people are asking.

Meet With God: You’ll see His plan to redeem mankind from Genesis to Revelation, get to know His perfect character, and even begin to see how you fit into His story!

Have Fun Learning With Others: Had a hard time reading through the Bible alone? DBS enriches what you get out of God’s Word as you listen to others and enjoy going through the text together!

Get Equipped: Our aim is that you feel confident in leading small group discussions, giving basic introduction to any book, and sharing an overview of the Bible. You will gain tools to help connect others with God’s Word.

2024 DBS

1st April - 3rd July, 2024


1st April - 3rd July, 2024


KRW 2,200,000 won excluding meals and accommodation

KRW 900,000 won for accommodation for those who needs it


Edmund Nai, (DBS Director)


[DBS 2025]

17 Feb. 2025 - 15. May 2025

Contact(English): Edmund Nai,


   경남은행 207-0080-6118-07   (사)아이더블유코리아

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